Community Benefit Statement
Name of approved Venue: ANGLESEA GOLF CLUB
Address of approved venue: GOLF LINKS ROAD ANGLESEA VIC 3230
Licence number: V9210193
Financial year ended 30 June 2019

CLASS A: Venue operators may claim up to 100 percent of revenue applied to a Class A purpose or activity.
Class A (a).  Donations, gifts and sponsorship (including cash, goods and services) to another person resident in Victoria, not including to the club itself, for the purpose or activities set out below.
(i) any educational purpose; $200
(ii) the provision of health services or care; $856
(iii) services for the prevention and treatment of problem gambling and drug and alcohol addictions; $0
(iv) housing assistance for disadvantaged persons; $560
(v) the relief of poverty; $0
(vi) the provision of services and assistance for the aged; $280
(vii) the provision of services and assistance for young people; $0
(viii) the protection and preservation of the environment; $0
(ix) the provision of assistance to relieve distress caused by natural or other disasters; $260
(x) the provision of advice, support and services to ex-service personnel, their carers and families; $0
(xi) any other philanthropic or benevolent purpose; $800
(xii) any sporting or recreational purpose, excluding any club that holds a venue operator’s licence. $1,900
Class A (b). The cost of providing and maintaining sporting facilities for use by club members. $452,808
Class A (c). The cost of any subsidy for the provision of goods and services but excluding alcohol. $0
Class A (d). Voluntary services provided by members and/or staff of the club to another person in the community, in fulfilment of Class A(a)(i)-(xii) above. $0
Class A (e). Advice, support and services provided by the RSL (Victorian Branch) to ex-service personnel, their carers and families. $0
CLASS A – TOTAL $457,664
CLASS B: Venue operators may claim an amount equal to the proportion of the club’s non-gaming revenue to its total revenue for Class B.
Non-Gaming Revenue proportion % 0
Class B (a). Capital expenditure. $111,399
Class B (b). Financing Costs (including principal and interest). $0
Class B (c). Retained earnings accumulated during the year. $98,298
Class B (d). The provision of buildings, plant or equipment over $10,000 per item excluding gaming equipment or the gaming machine area of the venue. $0
Class B (e). Operating costs. $978,979
CLASS B – TOTAL $1,188,675
CLASS C: Venue operators may claim up to 100 percent of revenue applied to a Class C purpose or activity.
Class C (a). The provision of responsible gambling measures and activities but excluding those required by law. $0
Class C (b). Reimbursement of expenses reasonably incurred by volunteers. $18,338
Class C (c). CBS preparation and auditing expenses to a maximum of $3,000. $3,000
CLASS C – TOTAL $21,338
CBS TOTAL (CLASS A + B + C) $1,667,677

I, Frank David Sanders, certify that:
1. The claims are consistent with the Ministerial Order made on 28 June 2012.
2. The following information is accurate for the financial year:
  a) The percentage (if any) of the venue’s gaming revenue applied to community purposes or activities under Classes A, B and C.
b) The value of any non-financial contribution to community purposes (e.g. voluntary work) by, or on behalf of the venue operator, expressed as a percentage of the venue’s revenue.
c) Any amount payable by a gaming operator under a declaration made by the VGCCC under section 3.6.8(4A) of the Gambling Regulation Act 2003 (the Act), expressed as a percentage of the venue's gaming revenue.
  The amount is
less than  
equal to  
greater than  X 
  8 1/3 per cent of the venue’s gaming revenue for that financial year, as the required by section 3.6.2 of the Act.
3. The CBS in relation to ANGLESEA GOLF CLUB INC, has been audited by the suitably qualified person of Cassandra Gravenall of Crowe Melbourne on 20/09/2019.
I confirm that an independent auditor’s statement dated 20/09/2019 has been received which states that, in the auditor’s opinion, this CBS presents fairly, in accordance with applicable Accounting Standards in Australia, and, is consistent with the auditor’s understanding of sections 3.6.9(2)(a) and (b) and section 3.6.9(3) of the Act, the ANGLESEA GOLF CLUB INC,’s compliance with the Act for the financial year ended 30 June 2019.

Declaration to be completed by the venue operator
  I, Frank David Sanders, declare that:
1. The information contained in this CBS form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
2. I have retained all relevant documentation used in the preparation and auditing of this CBS.
3. I acknowledge that it is an offence to provide false or misleading information.

I understand that by typing my name below, I am deemed to have signed this CBS form.
Frank David Sanders, General Manager
Community Benefit Statement - Schedules
Class Details Amount
Class A (a). (i)Donations / Gifts / Sponsorships$200
Class A (a). (ii)Donations / Gifts / Sponsorships$856
Class A (a). (iv)Donations / Gifts / Sponsorships$560
Class A (a). (ix)Donations / Gifts / Sponsorships$260
Class A (a). (vi)Donations / Gifts / Sponsorships$280
Class A (a). (xi)Donations / Gifts / Sponsorships$800
Class A (a). (xii)Donations / Gifts / Sponsorships$1,900
Class A (b).R & M - Machinery$24,429
Class A (b).R & M - Tractors$372
Class A (b).R & M - Watering System$30,692
Class A (b).R & M - Mowers$2,340
Class A (b).R & M - General$13,130
Class A (b).Fuel$13,576
Class A (b).M/V - Registration & Insurance$1,248
Class A (b).Course Accessories$4,367
Class A (b).Gardening$2,313
Class A (b).Electricity (Pumping Costs)$5,540
Class A (b).Freight$157
Class A (b).Soil Tests$709
Class A (b).Soil/Sand$10,605
Class A (b).Seed$468
Class A (b).Fertiliser$18,677
Class A (b).Fungicides$13,644
Class A (b).Wetting Agents$2,220
Class A (b).Herbicides$6,099
Class A (b).Sundries$3,693
Class A (b).Reclaimed Water / Mains Water$2,382
Class A (b).O.H.& Safety$10,108
Class A (b).Training & Travel$4,905
Class A (b).Security$1,600
Class A (b).Course Wages$233,746
Class A (b).Course Overtime$11,394
Class A (b).Course Superannuation$29,714
Class A (b).Course Workcare$4,680
Class B (a).New Cart Sheds and concrete$34,224
Class B (a).Aures Yuno i3 POS machines x 4$13,109
Class B (a).EMC 14 Seater Passenger Vehicle$16,336
Class B (a).Verti Drain - Redexim 7212$20,358
Class B (a).Maintenance Shed in progress$27,371
Class B (c).Retained Earnings$98,298
Class B (e).Bar - COS$162,549
Class B (e).Bar - Sundries$2,914
Class B (e).Bar - Repairs & Maintenance$1,953
Class B (e).Bar - Liquor licence Fees$1,034
Class B (e).Bar - Meal Deal Drinks$9,843
Class B (e).Bar - Promotions$832
Class B (e).Bar - Staff Training$146
Class B (e).Gaming - Cash Handling Expenses$1,326
Class B (e).Gaming - Printing & Stationery$1,971
Class B (e).Gaming - Repairs & Maintenance$4,477
Class B (e).Gaming - Licence Fees$1,255
Class B (e).Gaming - Cleaning Contract$14,043
Class B (e).Gaming - Bank Charges$955
Class B (e).Gaming - Sundries$657
Class B (e).Gaming - Electricity$23,161
Class B (e).Gaming - Promotions$4,063
Class B (e).Gaming - Mercury Fees$39,788
Class B (e).Gaming - Interest - Lease's$3,577
Class B (e).House Expenditure - Soaps, cleaners, laundry$2,100
Class B (e).House Expenditure - Consumables$213
Class B (e).House Expenditure - Electricity & Gas$19,698
Class B (e).House Expenditure - First Aid$373
Class B (e).House Expenditure - Repairs & Maintenance$22,132
Class B (e).House Expenditure - Insurances$39,234
Class B (e).House Expenditure - Sundries$2,667
Class B (e).House Expenditure - Promotions$24
Class B (e).House Expenditure - Cleaning Contract$39,180
Class B (e).House Expenditure - Licence Fees$713
Class B (e).House Expenditure - Subscriptions$269
Class B (e).House Expenditure - Waste Management$5,914
Class B (e).House Expenditure - Floral Arrangements$1,002
Class B (e).House Expenditure - Security Monitoring$1,306
Class B (e).House Expenditure - Water & Municipal Rates$31,318
Class B (e).Administration - Audit Fees$6,495
Class B (e).Administration - Consultants$285
Class B (e).Administration - Interest$877
Class B (e).Administration - Bank Charges$13,817
Class B (e).Administration - Legal Expenses$15,175
Class B (e).Administration - Fees & Charges$5,221
Class B (e).Administration - Contractor Fees$33,636
Class B (e).Administration - Contractors expenses$9,469
Class B (e).Administration - Computer Lease/Support$25,772
Class B (e).Administration - Minor Equipment$280
Class B (e).Administration - Memberships$72
Class B (e).Administration - Postage$504
Class B (e).Administration - Printing & Stationery$7,175
Class B (e).Administration - Telephone$8,729
Class B (e).Administration - Catering/Entertainment$2,611
Class B (e).Administration - Members Discount Received$32,794
Class B (e).Administration - Sundry Expenses$1,066
Class B (e).Administration - Travel$417
Class B (e).Administration - Subs Clubs Vic/GMV$1,945
Class B (e).Administration - O.H.& Safety$415
Class B (e).Administration - Advertising$17,858
Class B (e).Golf Expenses - Bowls & Events$2,466
Class B (e).Golf Expenses - Trophies$40,322
Class B (e).Golf Expenses - Charity Donations$-754
Class B (e).Golf Expenses - Golf Professional$52,046
Class B (e).Golf Expenses - Pennant Expenses$2,443
Class B (e).Golf Expenses - Pro Shop Expenses$2,142
Class B (e).Golf Expenses - Sundry Expenses$2,166
Class B (e).Golf Expenses - Score Card Printing$1,805
Class B (e).Bistro Expenses - Laundry/Cleaners$3,256
Class B (e).Bistro Expenses - Repairs & Maintenance$8,024
Class B (e).Bistro Expenses - Dinner/Music Show Expenses$3,803
Class B (e).Bistro Expenses - Sundry Expenses$3,075
Class B (e).Bistro Expenses - Cunsumables$5,308
Class B (e).Bistro Expenses - Linen Hire$345
Class B (e).Bistro Expenses - Staff Uniforms$598
Class B (e).Bistro Expenses - Gift Vouchers Redeemed$1,227
Class B (e).Bistro Expenses - Electricity$2,037
Class B (e).Bistro Expenses - Gas$8,089
Class B (e).Bistro Expenses - Renewals & Replacements$6,385
Class B (e).Bistro COS$171,501
Class B (e).Kangaroo Expenses - Sundry Expenses$571
Class B (e).Kangaroo Expenses - Advertising$72
Class B (e).Kangaroo Expenses - Insurance$130
Class B (e).Kangaroo Expenses - Repairs & Maintenance$14,934
Class B (e).Kangaroo Expenses - Minor Equipment$160
Class B (e).Kangaroo Expenses - Bar Staff Wage Allocation$5,231
Class B (e).Kangaroo Expenses - Printing & Stationery$1,440
Class B (e).Kangaroo Expenses - Volunteer Offsets$14,646
Class B (e).Driving Range - Sundry Expenses$71
Class B (e).Driving Range - Repairs & Maintenance$143
Class C (b).Volunteer Expenses$18,338
Class C (c).Crowe Horwath Auditors$3,000


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