Community Benefit Statement
Name of approved Venue: MULGRAVE COUNTRY CLUB
Licence number: V9210171
Financial year ended 30 June 2014

CLASS A: Venue operators may claim up to 100 percent of revenue applied to a Class A purpose or activity.
Class A (a).  Donations, gifts and sponsorship (including cash, goods and services) to another person resident in Victoria, not including to the club itself, for the purpose or activities set out below.
(i) any educational purpose; $27,360
(ii) the provision of health services or care; $5,362
(iii) services for the prevention and treatment of problem gambling and drug and alcohol addictions; $0
(iv) housing assistance for disadvantaged persons; $0
(v) the relief of poverty; $0
(vi) the provision of services and assistance for the aged; $0
(vii) the provision of services and assistance for young people; $6,000
(viii) the protection and preservation of the environment; $0
(ix) the provision of assistance to relieve distress caused by natural or other disasters; $0
(x) the provision of advice, support and services to ex-service personnel, their carers and families; $0
(xi) any other philanthropic or benevolent purpose; $28,740
(xii) any sporting or recreational purpose, excluding any club that holds a venue operator’s licence. $93,034
Class A (b). The cost of providing and maintaining sporting facilities for use by club members. $307,270
Class A (c). The cost of any subsidy for the provision of goods and services but excluding alcohol. $272,540
Class A (d). Voluntary services provided by members and/or staff of the club to another person in the community, in fulfilment of Class A(a)(i)-(xii) above. $1,950
Class A (e). Advice, support and services provided by the RSL (Victorian Branch) to ex-service personnel, their carers and families. $0
CLASS A – TOTAL $742,256
CLASS B: Venue operators may claim an amount equal to the proportion of the club’s non-gaming revenue to its total revenue for Class B.
Non-Gaming Revenue proportion % 0
Class B (a). Capital expenditure. $0
Class B (b). Financing Costs (including principal and interest). $894,867
Class B (c). Retained earnings accumulated during the year. $0
Class B (d). The provision of buildings, plant or equipment over $10,000 per item excluding gaming equipment or the gaming machine area of the venue. $0
Class B (e). Operating costs. $3,922,047
CLASS B – TOTAL $4,816,914
CLASS C: Venue operators may claim up to 100 percent of revenue applied to a Class C purpose or activity.
Class C (a). The provision of responsible gambling measures and activities but excluding those required by law. $0
Class C (b). Reimbursement of expenses reasonably incurred by volunteers. $0
Class C (c). CBS preparation and auditing expenses to a maximum of $3,000. $3,000
CLASS C – TOTAL $3,000
CBS TOTAL (CLASS A + B + C) $5,562,170

I, Kerry Anne Scarlett, certify that:
1. The claims are consistent with the Ministerial Order made on 28 June 2012.
2. The following information is accurate for the financial year:
  a) The percentage (if any) of the venue’s gaming revenue applied to community purposes or activities under Classes A, B and C.
b) The value of any non-financial contribution to community purposes (e.g. voluntary work) by, or on behalf of the venue operator, expressed as a percentage of the venue’s revenue.
c) Any amount payable by a gaming operator under a declaration made by the VGCCC under section 3.6.8(4A) of the Gambling Regulation Act 2003 (the Act), expressed as a percentage of the venue's gaming revenue.
  The amount is
less than  
equal to  
greater than  X 
  8 1/3 per cent of the venue’s gaming revenue for that financial year, as the required by section 3.6.2 of the Act.
3. The CBS in relation to MULGRAVE COUNTRY CLUB, has been audited by the suitably qualified person of Barry Boehm of FGA Partners on 25/09/2014.
I confirm that an independent auditor’s statement dated 22/09/2014 has been received which states that, in the auditor’s opinion, this CBS presents fairly, in accordance with applicable Accounting Standards in Australia, and, is consistent with the auditor’s understanding of sections 3.6.9(2)(a) and (b) and section 3.6.9(3) of the Act, the MULGRAVE COUNTRY CLUB,’s compliance with the Act for the financial year ended 30 June 2014.

Declaration to be completed by the venue operator
  I, Kerry Anne Scarlett, declare that:
1. The information contained in this CBS form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
2. I have retained all relevant documentation used in the preparation and auditing of this CBS.
3. I acknowledge that it is an offence to provide false or misleading information.

I understand that by typing my name below, I am deemed to have signed this CBS form.
Kerry Anne Scarlett, General Manager
Community Benefit Statement - Schedules
Class Details Amount
Class A (a). (i)School Scholarships for $2,000 to 12 schools = $24,000 Remaining donations to primary, secondary and pre schools$27,360
Class A (a). (ii)McGrath Foundation $2,024, ME/CFS $500, Cerebral Pawsey $650, Immune Deficiency Foundation $500, Eating Disorders Victoria $500 and others$5,362
Class A (a). (vii)Young Life Australia $4,500 and Oblate Youth Mission $1,500$6,000
Class A (a). (xi)Combined Rotary Clubs of Monash $12,500, Waverley Benevolent Society $3.500, National Servicemen's Association $3,000, Kerry Road Toy Library $1,400, Mulgrave Scout Group $1,000, Bushfire Appeal $713 and others$28,740
Class A (a). (xii)Oakleigh Chargers Football Club $6,500, Waverley Blues Football Club $6,000, South Belgrave Football Club $5,250, Richmond Cricket Club $5,000, Waverley Park Junior Football Club $5,000, Squash Victoria $4,545.45, Rowville Netball Club $3,000, Eastern Lions Soccer Club $3,000, AFL Victoria $2,500, Mulgrave football Club $2,500, Central Region AFL Coaches Association $2,500, Mt Waverley Football Club $2,500 and others$93,034
Class A (b).Snooker Expenses$3,919
Class A (b).Squash Expenses$16,649
Class A (b).Cricket Expenses$39,475
Class A (b).Indoor Bowls Expenses$1,858
Class A (b).Bowling expenses including greens maintenance$214,379
Class A (b).Golf Expenses$14,836
Class A (b).Darts Expenses$623
Class A (b).Tennis Expenses$15,531
Class A (c). Members Meal Discount$64,723
Class A (c). Seniors Meal Discount$162,602
Class A (c). Complimentary/Subsidised Room Hire$45,215
Class A (d).Coaching for Secondary Schools (non members)$1,950
Class B (b).Finance Costs$227,739
Class B (b).Principal Repayments$667,128
Class B (e).Printing & Stationery$13,244
Class B (e).Electricity Gaming$18,505
Class B (e).Club Amenities$33,840
Class B (e).Cleaning Materials$4,677
Class B (e).Kitchen Expenses$38,266
Class B (e).Newsletter Expenses$1,500
Class B (e).Subscriptions Paid$4,557
Class B (e).Rates$24,131
Class B (e).Bar Snacks$3,003
Class B (e).Maintenance Electrical Equipment$6,032
Class B (e).Hospitality - Staff$16,314
Class B (e).Maintenance Property$24,369
Class B (e).Electricity$55,720
Class B (e).Postage Gaming$4,534
Class B (e).Audit Fees$6,952
Class B (e).Replacement Sundry - Bars$30
Class B (e).Maintenance Furniture Fittings & Equipment$57,451
Class B (e).Gardening$9,009
Class B (e).Maintenance Electrical Equipment Gaming$738
Class B (e).Hire of Equipment Gaming$4,343
Class B (e).Newspapers TAB$70
Class B (e).Salaries & Wages Gaming - Overheads$49,148
Class B (e).Hire of Plants$5,017
Class B (e).Administration Expense$10,149
Class B (e).Replacement Crockery/Cutlery$2,430
Class B (e).Merchant Fees$13,536
Class B (e).Postage$5,307
Class B (e).Cleaning TAB$4,928
Class B (e).Hire of Equipment Bars$29
Class B (e).Wages Bar$221,689
Class B (e).Members Swipe Cards$680
Class B (e).Purchases Food - GST Free Catering$858,435
Class B (e).Maintenance Kitchen Equipment$21,437
Class B (e).Waste Disposal$15,087
Class B (e).Children's Xmas Party$747
Class B (e).Salaries & Wages ADMN$241,873
Class B (e).Wages Bars - Overheads$32,041
Class B (e).VCGLR Supervision Charge$22,622
Class B (e).Advertising$54,869
Class B (e).Honoraria$14,484
Class B (e).Salaries & Wages Gaming$247,416
Class B (e).Consultant Fees$10,230
Class B (e).Cleaning Gaming$20,994
Class B (e).Electricity Catering$11,565
Class B (e).Laundry Bars$555
Class B (e).Staff/Director Training$18,429
Class B (e).General Expenses Gaming$1,661
Class B (e).Cleaning Contract$68,475
Class B (e).Hospitality - Board$9,654
Class B (e).Computer Expenses$35,964
Class B (e).Bank Fees & Charges Gaming$146
Class B (e).Maintenance Air Conditioning$3,917
Class B (e).Laundry Catering$13,774
Class B (e).Gas$953
Class B (e).Insurance Gaming$13,154
Class B (e).Salaries & Wages TAB - Overheads$13,470
Class B (e).Cash Security Gaming$21,047
Class B (e).Bank Fees & Charges$1,997
Class B (e).Electricity TAB$2,775
Class B (e).Travel Expenses$3,484
Class B (e).Gas Catering$9,065
Class B (e).Telephone TAB$579
Class B (e).Uniforms$254
Class B (e).Bank Fees & Charges Keno$72
Class B (e).Wages Kitchen/Bistro - Overheads$160,442
Class B (e).Printing & Stationery Gaming$1,095
Class B (e).Hire of Equipment$4,222
Class B (e).Sky Channel/Foxtel Gaming$8,960
Class B (e).Sky Channel/Foxtel TAB$8,960
Class B (e).Paper Products$6,989
Class B (e).Lucky Medallion Draw$2,342
Class B (e).CO2 Gas$4,800
Class B (e).Marketing - Promotions$130,551
Class B (e).Insurance$27,511
Class B (e).Hire of Equipment TAB$7,933
Class B (e).Marketing - Promotions Members Loyalty$12,403
Class B (e).Consumable Supplies bar$3,983
Class B (e).Telephone$5,781
Class B (e).Telephone Gaming$1,159
Class B (e).Legal Expense$1,517
Class B (e).Replacement Kitchen Utensils$2,123
Class B (e).Expenses TAB$7,433
Class B (e).Maintenance Bar Equipment$1,289
Class B (e).Salaries & Wages TAB$65,897
Class B (e).Photocopying$7,926
Class B (e).Dining Room Expenses$1,684
Class B (e).Uniforms Gaming$832
Class B (e).Replacement Glasses Bars$3,877
Class B (e).Uniforms Catering$1,174
Class B (e).Purchases Food$50,538
Class B (e).Security Gaming$48,095
Class B (e).General Expenses$11,456
Class B (e).Advertising TAB$175
Class B (e).Maint Furn. Fitt. & Equipment TAB$27
Class B (e).Salaries & Wages ADMN - Overheads$101,651
Class B (e).Sky Channel/Foxtel$17,919
Class B (e).Security$-272
Class B (e).Entertainment$53,482
Class B (e).Wages Kitchen/Bistro$714,328
Class B (e).Licence Fee Bars$519
Class B (e).Printing & Stationery TAB$2,226
Class B (e).Maintenance Fur. Fitt & Equipment Gaming$18,477
Class B (e).Paper Products Catering$6,867
Class B (e).Maintenance Beer Drawing Equipment$4,254
Class C (c).Preparation/Audit$3,000


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