Net EGM- Expenditure
Net EGM expenditure is the total amount lost by players.
Financial Year
Jul - Dec
Jan - Jun
Full Year
PLEASE NOTE that the "Net Electronic Gaming Machine Expenditure" amount appearing above is based on data that may not have been fully audited to date. Any changes are unlikely to have a material effect on the figures provided.
The data is audited on an ongoing basis during each financial year to produce the annual net expenditure amount appearing above.

Address:65 PRINCES WAY
VO Licence:V04095713
    Local Government Area:
    Shire of Baw Baw
Attached Entitlements:28
    Licensed EGMs:

Other Details:

For any annual community contribution that is due and payable in 2020, the amount of the community contribution may be deferred until 1 July 2021.

Community contributions:

1. (a) In the event the Application is approved, the Applicant will establish The Family Hotel Community Grants Program (the Program).

(b) The Applicant will commit to the following:

(i) Making the cash contributions referred to in paragraph 1 (b)(ii) from the commencement of the operation of the 8 additional EGMs at the Hotel until 15 August 2022 ;

(ii) The annual cash contributions will be in the sum of $10,000.00 (increased each year by the increase in the Consumer Price Index all groups Melbourne) (the Contribution);

The Contribution will be allocated/applied each year to not-for-profit community groups and sporting organisations providing services and facilities to residents in the Shire of Baw Baw (with a particular focus on community groups that service the Drouin area).

(iii) The Contribution as referred to in paragraph 1(b)(ii) will be over and above the existing contributions of $12,000.00 in cash per annum made by the Applicant.

(c) The distribution of the Contribution in accordance with paragraph 1(b) above would be determined by a committee established by the Applicant and comprising:

One (1) representative of the Applicant; and

One (1) representative of Council; and

One (1) community representative nominated jointly by the Applicant and Council (the Committee).

(d) The Committee would advertise bi-annually in a newspaper circulating in the Shire of Baw Baw for submissions from not-for-profit community and sporting organisations providing services and facilities to residents in the Shire of Baw Baw (noting the particular focus on community groups and sporting organisations that service the township of Drouin) regarding the distribution of the Contribution to be made by the Applicant each year. The Committee would assess requests for cash contributions in accordance with guidelines to be established by the Committee. The Applicant shall provide to the Shire of Baw Baw each year evidence confirming payment of the Contribution as set out above for each year.