Net EGM- Expenditure
Net EGM expenditure is the total amount lost by players.
Financial Year
Jul - Dec
Jan - Jun
Full Year
PLEASE NOTE that the "Net Electronic Gaming Machine Expenditure" amount appearing above is based on data that may not have been fully audited to date. Any changes are unlikely to have a material effect on the figures provided.
The data is audited on an ongoing basis during each financial year to produce the annual net expenditure amount appearing above.

Address:120 FYANS STREET
VO Licence:V05095902
    Local Government Area:
    City of Greater Geelong
Attached Entitlements:29
    Licensed EGMs:

Other Details:Outstanding application(s) to increase the number of EGMs by 15

For any annual community contribution that is due and payable in 2020, the amount of the community contribution may be deferred until 1 July 2021.

Community contributions:

(a) The Venue Operator undertakes to:

(i) make annual community contributions in the amount of $30,000 (indexed each year by CPI, all groups Melbourne) (the Contribution) for so long as any electronic gaming machines operate at the Hotel (up to 15 August 2022);

(ii) the Contribution will be allocated each year to not-for-profit community groups and sporting organisations providing services and facilities to residents in the City of Greater Geelong.

(b) The distribution of the Contribution will be determined by a committee (the Committee) established by the Venue Operator comprising:

(i) one representative nominated by the Venue Operator;

(ii) one representative nominated by Council or, if Council fails to nominate a representative, a community representative nominated by the Venue Operator; and

(iii) one representative nominated by a local problem gambling support group or, if no local problem gambling support group nominates a representative, a community representative nominated by the Venue Operator.

(c) The Committee will advertise annually in a newspaper circulating in the City of Greater Geelong for submissions for funding from not-for-profit community and sporting organisations providing services and facilities to residents of the City of Greater Geelong. The Committee will assess requests for funding in accordance with guidelines to be established by the Committee.

Inspection of premises:

The Commission also recognises that the Premises are still to undergo substantial refurbishment before they will be in a position to operate as a gaming venue. As such, it is a further condition of the approval that the approval does not take effect until the Commission has notified the Applicant, in writing, that the Premises has been inspected for the purpose of section 3.3.7(1)(c) and the Commission is satisfied at that time that the Premises are suitable for the management and operation of EGMs.