Net EGM- Expenditure
Net EGM expenditure is the total amount lost by players.
Financial Year
Jul - Dec
Jan - Jun
Full Year
PLEASE NOTE that the "Net Electronic Gaming Machine Expenditure" amount appearing above is based on data that may not have been fully audited to date. Any changes are unlikely to have a material effect on the figures provided.
The data is audited on an ongoing basis during each financial year to produce the annual net expenditure amount appearing above.

Address:130 HOOD ROAD
VO Licence:V9410103
    Local Government Area:
    City of Greater Geelong
Attached Entitlements:65
    Licensed EGMs:

Other Details:

For any annual community contribution that is due and payable in 2020, the amount of the community contribution may be deferred until 1 July 2021.

Community contributions:

(a) The Venue Operator will establish the Portarlington Golf Club Community Contributions’ Fund (the Fund) and undertake to do the following:

i. Make cash contributions annually in the sum of $10,000.00 (increased each year by the increase in CPI) (the Additional Contribution) for as long as the Additional EGMs are in operation at the Portarlington Golf Club.

ii. The Additional Contribution will be allocated each year to not-for-profit community and sporting organisations in the City of Greater Geelong.

iii. Distribute the Additional Contribution in accordance with condition 2(a)(i) would be determined by a Committee (the Committee) established by the Venue Operator comprising:

A. One representative nominated by the Venue Operator;

B. A community representative nominated by the Venue Operator;

C. One representative of Council or, in the event that Council is unwilling to provide a representative, a second representative of the Venue Operator.

iv. The Committee will advertise annually in a newspaper circulated in the City of Greater Geelong area for submissions from not for profit community and sporting organisations, providing services and facilities to residents within the City of Greater Geelong regarding the distribution of the Additional Contribution to be made by the Venue Operator each year. The Committee will assess requests for cash contributions in accordance with guidelines to be established by the Committee.

v. If the distribution of the Additional Contribution is not allocated in full each year by the Committee as required in condition 2(a), the operation of the Additional EGMs must cease immediately as long as the Additional Contribution (or part thereof) remains outstanding.

vi. The Venue Operator makes cash contributions to a range of community and sporting groups in the City of Greater Geelong in the sum of not less than

$10,725.00 per annum (Existing Contributions). The Venue Operator will continue to pay each Existing Contributions whilst and so long as any of the

additional EGMs are in operation at the Portarlington Golf Club.


(a) The Works (as defined in condition 1(b) below) at the Premises must be substantially completed to the satisfaction of the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation (the Commission) by the date that is two (2) years after the commencement of the operation of any of the 10 additional EGMs (the Additional EGMs).

(b) For the purposes of this clause ‘Works’ comprise the works referred to in section 4 of the Social and Economic Impact Statement dated June 2017 prepared by Ratio Consultants Pty Ltd.

(c) If the Works referred to in condition 1(b) are not substantially completed by the date that is two (2) years after the commencement of the operation of any of the Additional EGMs, then the approval to operate the Additional EGMs at the Premises will lapse.

(d) The Commission may, at the request of the Venue Operator, agree to extend the time for the completion of the Works referred to in condition 1(b). Any request for an extension of time must include an explanation as to why the Works have not been substantially completed.

Extension of time for works:

On 7 November 2019, the Commission granted an application by Portarlington Golf Club Inc., which sought to amend the conditions that are outlined in the above decision. In particular, the Commission granted a minor variation to the scope of the Works, which includes some additional works, as well as extending the time for the substantial completion of the Works to 31 July 2020.


(a) Prior to the installation of any of the Additional EGMs, the Venue Operator will install screening substantially in accordance with the proposed plan R0160012 SD A2.03 C4.