Net EGM- Expenditure
Net EGM expenditure is the total amount lost by players.
Financial Year
Jul - Dec
Jan - Jun
Full Year
PLEASE NOTE that the "Net Electronic Gaming Machine Expenditure" amount appearing above is based on data that may not have been fully audited to date. Any changes are unlikely to have a material effect on the figures provided.
The data is audited on an ongoing basis during each financial year to produce the annual net expenditure amount appearing above.

VO Licence:V9780001
    Local Government Area:
    Shire of Baw Baw
Attached Entitlements:100
    Licensed EGMs:

Other Details:

For any annual community contribution that is due and payable in 2020, the amount of the community contribution may be deferred until 1 July 2021.

Community contributions:

(a) The operator of the Premises (the Venue Operator) will establish the Warragul Sporting & Social Club contributions fund and will:

(i) Make cash contributions annually in the sum of $25,000 (increased each year by the increase in CPI) (the Contribution) from the commencement of the

operation of the additional 20 EGMs at the Warragul Sporting and Social Club for the life of the entitlements;

(ii) Distribute the Contribution in accordance with the determination of a Committee established by the Venue Operator and comprising one (1)

representative of the Venue Operator, one (1) representative of Council and one (1) community representative jointly nominated by the Venue Operator

and the Council (collectively, the Committee);

(iii) Ensure that the Committee consult with the Baw Baw Public Health and Wellbeing plan Committee annually regarding the distribution of the

Contribution to be made by the Venue Operator each year;

(iv) Ensure that the Committee provide to the Council each year an account confirming the payment of the Contribution as set out above; and

(v) Continue making cash and in-kind contributions to a range of community and sporting clubs and other worthy causes (as the Venue Operator currently

does) in the Baw Baw Shire to the value of at least $40,000 per annum.

(b) If the community contributions are not made in accordance with the conditions described above, this approval will lapse.


(a) Within three (3) years of the commencement of the operation of the additional 20 EGMs at the Premises (or such later date as agreed to in writing by the Commission), the Venue Operator will substantially complete a redevelopment of the hospitality facilities at the Longwarry Bowls Club (the Hospitality Works);

(b) Within six (6) years of the commencement of operation of the additional 20 EGMs at the premises (or such later date as agreed to in writing by the Commission), the Venue Operator will substantially complete the installation of a roof at the Longwarry Bowls Club to ensure that the bowling green is placed under cover and accessible all year round (the Bowling Green Works); and

(c) If either the Hospitality Works or the Bowling Green Works are not substantially completed by the dates listed above (or such later dates as agreed to in writing by the Commission), this approval will lapse and the maximum number of EGMs permitted to be operated at the Premises shall revert to eighty (80) EGMs.