Net EGM- Expenditure
Net EGM expenditure is the total amount lost by players.
Financial Year
Jul - Dec
Jan - Jun
Full Year
PLEASE NOTE that the "Net Electronic Gaming Machine Expenditure" amount appearing above is based on data that may not have been fully audited to date. Any changes are unlikely to have a material effect on the figures provided.
The data is audited on an ongoing basis during each financial year to produce the annual net expenditure amount appearing above.

VO Licence:V9310061
    Local Government Area:
    City of Greater Geelong
Attached Entitlements:42
    Licensed EGMs:

Other Details:

For any annual community contribution that is due and payable in 2020, the amount of the community contribution may be deferred until 1 July 2021.

Community contributions:

(a) The Venue Operator will make cash contributions annually in the sum of $17,000 (increased each year by the increase in CPI) (the Additional Contributions) for as long as any of the 7 additional electronic gaming machines (Additional EGMs) are in operation at the Premises. (b) The Additional Contribution will be allocated each year to not-for-profit community groups and sporting organisations providing services and facilities to residents in the City of Greater Geelong.

(c) The Venue Operator will continue to pay existing cash contributions to not-for-profit community and sporting groups in the City of Greater Geelong in the sum of $53,000 per annum (the Existing Contributions), in addition to the Additional Contribution, for as long as any of the additional EGMs are in operation at the Premises.


(a) The Works at the Premises (as defined in clause 2(b)) must be substantially completed to the satisfaction of the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation (the Commission) by the date that is 24 months after the commencement of the operation of any of the Additional EGMs at the Premises.

(b) For the purpose of this clause, the Works must generally accord with the plans concerning works identified as the Stage 2 Works contained at Annexure 1 of the Witness Statement of Mr Raymond John McPhee dated March 2018 submitted to the Commission on 4 May 2018.

(c) If the Works referred to in condition 2(b) are not substantially completed by the date that is 24 months after the commencement of the operation of any of the Additional EGMs at the Premises, then the approval to operate the Additional EGMs at the Premises will lapse.

(d) The Commission may, on the request of the Venue Operator, agree to extend the time for completion of the Works referred to in condition 2(b). The request must be made no later than the date that is 21 months after the commencement of the operation of any of the Additional EGMs. Any request for an extension of time must include an explanation as to why the Works have not been substantially completed.

(e) If the Commission agrees to extend the time for completion of the Works in accordance with condition 2(d), the Commission may require that any of the Additional EGMs cease operation during the period of any extension of time granted by the Commission.