Venue Operational Requirements

3.01 Authority to Possess Gaming / Monitoring Equipment

A person must not manufacture, sell, supply, obtain or be in possession of gaming equipment or monitoring equipment except in accordance with the Gambling Regulation Act 2003 (the Act). Different sections of the Act enable industry participants, such as manufacturers and testers, venue operators and even members of the public to possess gaming equipment with the written approval of the VGCCC.

Venue operators are also authorized under the Act to possess, sell, obtain or be in possession of gaming equipment or monitoring equipment, by the authority conferred on them by their licence.

Industry participants can apply to the VGCCC for approval to possess gaming equipment or monitoring equipment for the purpose of:
    • testing, research or development
    • servicing, repair or maintenance
    • storage, demonstration or sales.

A person, including a member of the public, can also apply to the VGCCC to possess a gaming machine, but the machine must not be in operating order.

Approval can also be granted by the VGCCC for any person to manufacture, sell, supply, obtain or be in possession of gaming equipment or monitoring equipment if the equipment is for use outside Victoria. An example of this is gaming equipment on board a cruise vessel that visits a Victorian port or transits through Victorian territorial waters.

Applications to the VGCCC for approval to possess gaming equipment or monitoring equipment are submitted on-line through the VGCCC website.

For more information, see