Venue Operational Requirements / 01. Approval of premises for gaming

Venue Operational Requirements

01. Approval of premises for gaming

Section 3.3.4 of the Gambling Regulation Act 2003 (the Act) outlines the requirements for applications for approval of a premises as suitable for gaming.

    Information contained in this chapter is provided to assist:
      • any person proposing to apply for approval of premises as suitable for gaming; and
      • venue operators intending to modify a gaming machine area.

Applying for Approval of Premises as Suitable for Gaming

Any person may apply for approval of a premises to be used for gaming, but they must have the agreement of the freehold owner. Once approved, gaming cannot be conducted at the approved premises until the premises are attached to a venue operator's licence (the premises then becomes an "approved venue" as per definitions in the Act), and that the venue operator becomes responsible for all gaming activity at the venue.

To make an application for approval of a new premises, see Approval of premises for gaming application form

Applications are currently only accepted in hard copy, but a courtesy email is appreciated.

Plans to be attached

Applications must provide scale plans of the proposed premises and gaming machine area (see question 11 of the application form):
      • A 1:100 scale plan of the premises. This must show the location of the proposed gaming machine area within the premises and other services to be provided, including a bistro, bars, sports bar, toilets, outdoor smoking areas, etc.
      • A 1:50 scale plan of the proposed gaming machine area. This must show the proposed placement of gaming machines and other services to be provided in or adjacent to the gaming machine area, including cashier area, bar facilities, toilets, entrances, catering facilities, external smoking areas, etc.

Gaming Machine entitlements required

A venue operator must hold gaming machine entitlements to conduct gaming in an approved venue. For more information, see gaming machine entitlements

An application for premises approval may proceed without gaming machine entitlements, but gaming machines cannot be installed and operated until the appropriate number and type of entitlements have been obtained and attached to the approved venue.

Site inspection following receipt of application

Once an application is received, the VGCCC may carry out a site inspection to assess the suitability of existing premises for the management and operation of gaming machines, in particular, whether the size, layout and facilities of the premises as a whole as well as the gaming machine area will be suitable. In the case of green fields sites, the VGCCC reserves the right to carry out a site inspection for suitability of the proposed layout at that location.

Commission’s decision

The Commission will consider the application and notify the applicant of its decision in writing.

If the application is successful and the applicant satisfies all conditions of the decision, following any required inspections, a Notice of Approved Venue for Gaming will be issued together with approved plans of the premises and the gaming machine area.

Appeal of decision

A Commission decision may be appealed to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT), by the applicant or any other aggrieved party.

Inclusion of premises on venue operator’s licence

After a venue operator has been advised that their application for approval of premises for gaming has been successful, the venue operator that intends to conduct gaming at the approved premises must apply to include the approved premises on a venue operator's licence. The application forms to include or remove approved premises can be found on our website, see Approval of premises for gaming application form

Gaming machine entitlements will need to be attached to the approved venue before gaming machines can be installed.

A final inspection will need to be carried out by gaming inspectors prior to the approved venue commencing business.