Venue Operational Requirements / 01. Approval of premises for gaming / 1.4 Amendment to licence conditions

Venue Operational Requirements

1.4 Amendment to licence conditions

If you hold a venue operator's licence, you must comply with any conditions of your licence.
A breach of your licence conditions can be a serious offence and carries a maximum penalty of 2500 penalty units.

Any proposal to amend your licence conditions must be in accordance with sections 3.4.17 and 3.4.18 of the Gambling Regulation Act 2003.

Licence conditions that are the subject of formal change processes include but are not limited to:
      1. the addition or removal of an approved venue
      2. variation of the number of gaming machines permitted in an approved venue
      3. variation of the gaming machine areas approved for an approved venue
      4. variation of the days or dates on which gaming is permitted in an approved venue under the licence.

Most changes to licence conditions can be assessed by our staff, but an application for an increase in the licensed number of gaming machines for an approved venue must be heard by the Commission.

For more information, see