Venue Operational Requirements / 01. Approval of premises for gaming / 1.6 Enforcement of Commission rules for venue operators

Venue Operational Requirements

1.6 Enforcement of Commission rules for venue operators

You must enforce or cause to be enforced rules the VGCCC make that apply to the venue operator.
Refer to sections 3.5.23 and 3.5.26 of the Gambling Regulation Act 2003.

The Commission Rules for venue operators (as made by the former VCGR) are still in force. They cover:
    • the conduct of gaming
    • gaming periods
    • supervision of gaming machine areas electronic or physically
    • provision of cash for the purpose of gaming (ATM / EFTPOS)

For a copy of the Commission rules for venue operators, see
Commission rules for venue operators

For more information, see sections 3.5.23 and 3.5.26 of the Gambling Regulation Act 2003.