Venue Operational Requirements / 06. Gaming Machine Interference / 6.1 Gaming Prohibited on Unprotected Devices

Venue Operational Requirements

6.1 Gaming Prohibited on Unprotected Devices

A venue operator must not without lawful excuse be in possession of or permit gaming on a gaming machine unless the computer cabinet of the gaming machine is securely sealed.

At any time when a seal on a computer cabinet has been broken, the venue operator must not permit gaming on the gaming machine until the gaming machine has been re-sealed in accordance with procedures approved by the VGCCC.

See section 3.5.9 of the Gambling Regulation Act 2003

A record of the breaking of the seal of the gaming machine computer cabinet must be entered in the gaming equipment logbook (by GIEs who access the logic area of a gaming machine).

See Chapter 7.12 – Gaming Equipment Log Books (Record of Logic Area Access)